
Here you can find all relevant downloads related to our products. These include operation manuals, radionics presets for the Spooky2 software, and radionic rate directories.

Operation Manuals

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    Spooky Radionics Manual 2nd Edition

    This is the 2nd edition manual for the Spooky Radionics system. It is much more indepth, and covers a variety of protocols.

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    Spooky Radionics Manual Foreign Languages

    This Zip contains Spooky2 Radionics 2nd edition manuals in the following languages.

    French, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Russian and Spanish

    Please note these were auto translated so the formatting and language is not perfect, but it will help you to understand the operation in your own language.

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    Italiano Spooky Radionics Manual 2nd Edition

    Traduzione da:
    Maria Elena Roselli, Antonio De Gennaro, Marcello Allegretti

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    Peggotty Board Operation Manual

    This is the 1st edition Peggotty Board manual, it covers the basic operation of the Peggotty and highlights a few more advanced protocols to expand upon the potential of the Peggotty Board.

Spooky2 Radionics Presets

  • Spooky2 Radionics Presets
    Spooky2 Radionics Presets

    These presets are designed to enhance the operation of the Spooky Radionics device.

    The presets included are:

    Radionics General
    Radionics Healing (Boost)
    Radionics killing (Boost)
    Radionics Manifestation (Boost)
    Radionics Plant Growth

    These will eventually be loaded with a new release of the software. But for now you can follow the instructions in the video below to install the presets.

    With the new software you can make a radionics folder in the preset collections directory on your computer and add the files there. It makes them easier to locate in the software.

Rate Directories

  • Rate Book
    Rate Book

    This is a general rate directory from my files. Author unknown, but likely derived from Copen. All Rates are Base 10, and suitable for use on our instruments.

  • Copen Organs & Symptoms
    Copen Organs & Symptoms

    This is a great directory, and one I refer to often. It covers many different diseases, viruses and pathogens. The general section is very helpful to.

  • Copen Agricultural
    Copen Agricultural

    An extensive list of rates Copen devised for use in agriculture and horticulture.

All effort has been sought to identify the publishers and contact them where applicable for use on this site. All of these rate directories were downloaded from the public domain and we share them here publicly.